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Trusted data & artificial intelligence for drug commercialization.

Our in-house database allows our clients to adopt a data-driven approach to market access intelligence.

Enrich your decisions with AI

At Netis AI we automatically collect, organize and cross-reference decisions from health authorities and major institutions to build an in-house database.

Our tools enable our clients to take a data-driven, time-saving approach to developing reliable drug market access, pricing and reimbursement strategies.

By getting an exhaustive and automatic view of past decisions, our clients consolidate their analysis and transform their strategies for greater predictability.

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Answering any question you have about reimbursement, pricing or regulatory life cycle of a drug by aggregates (therapeutic areas, global market, ATC, labels...) or by presentations.

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"Tailor-made extracts and analysis"

Ready-to-use report to secure, support and maximize the outcomes of the commercial lifecycle of your drug (pricing optimisation, competitive landscape, value story, likelihood of success...). Our methodology accompanies you every step of the way from your initial questioning to the resolution of your challenges. 

Travailler seul au bureau
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"AI-powered SaaS platform"

The most powerful tool for reducing data collection time and increasing analysis capabilities.  Perform your own analysis with centralized, sourced, up-to-date and regulatory grade data. Find all decisions from health authorities and key institutions in one place.

Our commitment

Shifting from a data possession value to a data usage value.


We believe in the existence of shared standards between public and private development of health products to help foster a dynamic health ecosystem.

Why making DrugTracker freely available to the younger generation, public research and health authorities?

Our database can provide up-to-date exemples and comprehensive analyses of pharmaceutical data or identify relevant trends to academic teaching. We hope that by opening DrugTracker to students, we will add a new dimension to teaching and become a reflex for students and professionals.

Furthermore, we consider that the collaborative aspect of DrugTracker only makes it better!

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THEY TRUST US - Partner with us too!

Give your team what it needs to save time and build winning strategies


organisations have access

to our services


users on DrugTracker

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Dr Pierre Pascal 

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) - Montpellier University;

Master in pharmaceutical marketing - Paris-Saclay University


Pierre has 10 years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry and consulting in analytical, strategic and operational positions. Specialized in the development and delivery of healthcare products in rare diseases and ATMPs, Pierre joined NETIS AI with the conviction that DrugTracker is and will be a major asset in the analysis and predictability of healthcare product development.

Dr Matthieu Argaud

Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) - Paris-Saclay University;

International bachelor in business administration - INSEEC School of Business & Economics;

Master's degree in Health Economics & Management - Paris-Dauphine | PSL University


Passionate about philosophy, economics and law, Matthieu co-founded NETIS AI with the vision of expanding access to pharmaceutical knowledge and discovering new insights about medicine development.

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